Best of Beauty Treatments
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3D micro-needling
Cosmetics meet modernity
Awaken the strength of fresh cells with micro-needling - currently one of the most efficient methods among anti-aging treatments. It has the scientifically proven ability to form new collagen and elastin and to increase the hyaluronic acid content in the skin, visibly like never before. Micro-needling uses the skin's self-healing powers. Micro-fine needles perforate the skin with pinpoint accuracy and target micro-injuries in the epidermis, which signal this "wound healing". The "tired" tissue is then activated immediately and sets in motion processes that lead to the formation of new collagen and elastin. The aesthetic needling also serves as a penetration enhancer for applied highly effective cosmetic active ingredients. The effectiveness was already proven in the 90s by the Swiss dermatologist Dr. Philippe Simonin has been proven by studies and a more vital, less wrinkled and firm skin speak for themselves anyway!
Cinetic Lift Expert
The beauty treatment revolution
This novel treatment sequence enables results that inspire. The "Cinetic Lift Expert" treatment combines microcurrent and light therapy. With the help of micro-peeling, the skin is cleaned pore-deep and impurities are removed from the spaces between the cells. A highlight: the wellness massage with silver gloves. This massage strengthens and lifts the muscles. By using a partially working module, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced in a targeted and visible manner. A colored light stimulation rounds off the treatment for a positive physiological effect and the penetration of active ingredients deep into the skin.
This technical power promotes the oxygen supply to the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. Result: The complexion looks fresher, the complexion is significantly refined, lines and wrinkles have disappeared.
Intra derm face filling
Triple action push-up
This treatment not only smooths, tightens, padded, but also gently removes uneven, calloused, withered skin. The skin is freed of bacteria and pollutants deep into the pores. With strong air pressure, the lymph is stimulated, deeper connective tissue and holding structures are activated, which leads to the fact that the collagen formation is stimulated. Finally, fold by fold, organic substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, antioxidants, minerals, peptides and / or vitamins are filled and underfilled.
This face filling is efficient, pleasant and sends repair teams to damaged areas.
The result is impressive: a radiant, fresh and smooth complexion.

Hydra & Glow Treatment
Reinigen, Verfeinern, Durchfeuchten, Impulsmassage
Angepasst an die Bedürfnisse der Haut werden Unreinheiten gereinigt und gelöst, Nährstoffe eingearbeitet und die Muskulatur entspannt, denn dieses Treatment ist ein wahres Multitalent für perfekt genährte und strahlende Haut! In nur 4 Behandlungsschritten zu einem schönen Teint! Die Haut wird mit einer High-End-Technologie - Made in Germany mit funktionellen Wirkstoffflüssigkeiten genährt und bis in die Tiefe gereinigt. Es greift das Prinzip der hydrobasierten Behandlung auf, das alle drei Hautschichten und zusätzlich auch das darunterliegende SMAS, womit die Muskel-Bindegewebs-Schicht unter der Haut von Gesicht und Hals gemeint ist, erreicht.
Perfekt aufeinander abgestimmte Schritte sorgen für eine saubere, sofort prallere, gut durchblutete Haut, die bis in die Tiefe genährt ist und so für Ihren ganz persönlichen perfekten Glow sorgt.
Lipomassage ®
Active cell stimulation for firm skin, firm contours and a radiant complexion
Endermolift enables the targeted treatment of individual facial areas - results where you want them. The lipomassage is an exclusive apparatus application that is based on the
patented massage lifting technology and the treatment measures developed by LPG. With the Lipomassge, a special kneading and rolling head is used, which massages the corresponding problem areas. The skin is sucked in, the connective tissue
stimulates, stimulates the metabolism and, above all, reduces fat! Among other things, it serves to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in order to firm and plump the skin, and individual layers of tissue on the face as well as on the neck and décolleté are restructured. The module drains and also supplies the connective tissue with oxygen, and lymph flow is also stimulated.
More than just a peeling
Professional peeling is an important prerequisite for effective skin rejuvenation. By removing the upper, keratinized cells, an effective supply of the deeper skin layers is guaranteed. Microdermabrasion is the perfection of peeling because it guarantees effectiveness and gentleness at the same time - for every skin type. The skin is stimulated to produce more new cells. These penetrate the surface of the skin and gradually displace the used cell material. Subsequently applied active ingredients can be better absorbed by the skin and develop their effect optimally.
Skin Golden Glow
Luxury facial treatment with 24 carat gold
Enjoy an anti-aging facial that combines all the superior properties of gold. A precious metal on your skin? Sounds a little decadent. But if you take a closer look at gold, its importance as a beauty ingredient in a class of its own quickly becomes apparent. It frees the skin of toxins, counteracts cell aging, supplies it with moisture and makes the complexion glow. A mask made of pure 24-carat gold visibly tightens and firms the skin, gives it a radiant glow and counteracts aging processes from within.
Gold is by no means modern frills: gold is considered to be one of the oldest remedies known to mankind. According to traditional Chinese medicine, gold activates Qi, our life energy.
© Robert Kneschke-AdobeStock
Nano Pen - Zellstimulation
Federsanft - Nadeleffektiv
Diese neuartige Behandlung ermöglicht Ergebnisse, die begeistern. Die nadelfreie Therapie ermöglicht eine Hautstimulation und Tiefenwirkung, ohne die Haut dabei zu verletzen oder zu schädigen. Dank der Nano-Hohlpyramiden aus Silikon wird sehr sanft aber dennoch extra effektiv gearbeitet. Bei diesem Treatment wird die Kollagensynthese angeregt und unsere hochwertigen Wirkstoffe werden tief in der Haut platziert und können dort ihre volle Wirkung entfalten. Die Hautoberfläche ist sofort geglättet, zart und aufgepolstert. Falten werden reduziert und Antioxidantien entstressen die Zellen
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